Friday, 1 October 2010

Planning for production

Work group is Damian Daviu - Hall & Danny Spink

Film name is ' The Watcher'

 Instead of making a short film of around 5 minutes in length we have decided on making around a 2 minute trailer, this is because feel that the trailer would include better shot scenes, which of course will improve my work.

Film Genre: Horror
 Our film is based upon a murderous stalker who is stalking a young man, in the trailer you will see various scenes of what you can imagine being in the film of course not revealing the ending.
 Scenes planned as far:
 The door bell rings as he is sitting in at home with his girlfriend. He opens up the door and finds that there is no one there; the camera then turns to the stalker's point of view shot as he watches the boy in the doorway.
 Another scene is when the house phone rings and he answers and all he can hear is deep breathing, this is observed by a close up of the man being scared.
 We will be performing a shot from on top of a hill bank in Sutton watching over the man walking, this will be a pov shot of the stalker.
 Another shot is the man is walking through the field and the camera switches to a long distance shot of the stalker just standing in the park watching the boy, this will be in twine with suspense building in the background, the camera then switches back to the man, as he has not noticed the stalker, the camera focuses back onto where the stalker was standing and he has gone.

Editing of trailer as far:
 There will be numerous slogans and words appearing in the trailer giving notes on the film i.e. never sit in the room on your own'.

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