Monday, 22 November 2010

Film questionnaire

The average age we asked was between 16-23.

There were 3 males and 3 females that took part of my questionnaire.

50% of the people placed the horror genre as their favourite.

For the rating of the film's plotline. 4 people voted it as a good plotline, 1 voted for it being an okay plotline and there was a very poor rating as well.

People's favourite horror films consisted of the saw genre 'final destination' the horror classic 'the shining' 'Halloween' and finally '28 days later'.

People remarked that to make a good horror film it must include a lot of tension, suspense an eerie soundtrack and gore.

5 out of 6 people voted for the trailer being called 'Pursued' and one voted for 'look behind'.

For the length of a whole film 4 out of the 6 voted for 2 hours in length the remaining to prefer 1 and a half hours and 3 hours +.

I have noticed that the horror genre is quite a popular genre with other people my age this relates to it being my preferred genre as well. Also the 'Saw films' was rated popular within my questionnaire and I also like these films.

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